Stewarding Your Story

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Who decides your worth, value, and lovability?

Everyone wants to feel valued, worthy, and loved. A lot of my clients when I begin to work with them, tell me that they do not feel like they are enough. If they were enough, then they would have already been picked, or taken, or someone would like them. They feel like no one values who they are, or appreciates them for who they are. Because of this, a lot of them make singleness mean that they are not worthy of love, and therefore they do not feel loved, because they really don't deserve it.

So I want you to know that it has already been decided that you are 100% valuable, worthy and lovable. It has nothing to do with what you have, what you do, or what other people think about you. God did NOT create you and say, "Hey you are at about 50%, go ahead and earn the rest of your value & worth by doing stuff, or by what other people decide about you.”

But that is how we are living our lives. We think, “I don't know if I am valuable, worthy or lovable, let's see what the world says? I am not in a relationship, and I am not married, well, sums it up, not valuable.”

When you stop and look at it that way, it sounds ridiculous. But let me tell you, it feels so REAL.

So many of my clients say, "So Angie, you are telling me I just get to decide that I am 100% worthy, valuable, and lovable?" and every single time I say "YES!"

What is so fun, is that I don't think they have thought about it before. And to be totally real, I didn't know that either. When I was single, I did NOT know my value, worth or lovability had been decided. I really looked around at the world and was continually asking, "Am I lovable?" "Do I have value?" "Am I worthy?" I carried that over into marriage and continually looked to see if he loved me, or valued me. If he deemed it, then it was, if he didn't, then it wasn't.

It was majorly exhausting! And by the way a horrible burden to put on someone else.

I, Angie Woods am 100% valuable, worthy, and lovable not because of what I have, what I do, or what other people think of me.

Since owning and believing this statement, my life has changed. I show up as a different human. I am less needy, I am less desperate. I am less grasping for praise or people's opinions of me. I am less focused on getting my value, worth, or love from things, people, or praise. I am more self-confident. I am more walking in the Spirit. I am more open to God's opinion of me. I am more me, the one God created and I am accepting. I stop asking, "Do you love me?"

I start showing up as a human fully lovable, fully valuable, fully worthy, and that is not up for debate, or discussion.

What would it look like for you to believe this statement and how would your life be different?

What would you start doing? What would you stop doing?

You are enough, always have been, always will be.

God is the decider of all of that. Start stepping into that. I know He wants that for you. I know He wants you to have the questions about worth, value, and love decided. He wants you to know and believe it and feel it regularly.

Listen, some of you need to hear this on repeat.
You are worthy.

You are valuable.

You are lovable.

Done, decided. Step into it that for yourself. What is stopping you?

Lots of love,
